Thursday, June 22, 2006


It's so focken hot here today.
Do you like how I changed that ONE word in the last sentence? I haven't seen that version and I'm running with it.
Memories of HOT Redding nights:
I would swing on the swing set after dinner when I was kid. I'd watch the sky get darker and the night would fill up with good smells of orange blossoms and mimosa trees.
Later when I was older I'd run around barefoot with my friends thru the neighborhood at night and toilet paper peoples houses. We were never afraid of creepy perv's.
When I was 16 or so I'd jam with my band in my girlfriends parents garage in the outskirts of town near the lake. We were so far out there no one complained about the sound.
While I was in my college freshman year. I would sit in a small group of girls by the pool side of my bestfriend. We'd try and out-attitude each other.

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