Monday, July 23, 2007

Hazy Reunion Of Sorts

It's been a while since I posted as some of ya'll may have noticed.

I'll blame it on Cassie and family. They've come for a visit from Chicago for 10 days! Cassie was the singer for several bands we were in together. Here we are in my living room re-living our band Hazy.
These pictures are from a fun little party we had over here for them last weekend. Tonight is another get together at the Mint for Karaoke. I really miss C and family and wish they would move back.
Jammin again with the Band felt good. It's been a little more than a year now that I took a break from playing. Back then I felt that I needed to put all my energy into figuring out how I was seriously going to make a living doing something I wanted. Now that I've finally got the job I've been dreaing about for ever. I need to get back to what's important in my life--Playing music!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


I'm in an angsty mood today because it's RAINING! I hate rain. I know it's necessary and all that but I still hate it!

In July of all times!

I'm posting a picture of this depressing childrens book which isn't real --just to show my distaste for the weather.

On another note--I went to this beautiful park yesterday. I saw two coyotes, a northern Harrier and lots of Golden Eagles! As well as many awesome rock formations. The history of this park is really interesting. Especially the part about the Bohemian club of SF who I've always been interested in since I read Armistead Maupins "Tales of the City" many years ago.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Highlights Of Summer So Far

I've stolen this title directly from this wonderful blog by my pal J. in NYC. As you can tell I'm not too good at formatting with blogspot yet so it's all a big mess--but the photos are in order!
All of these pictures are from our Pt. Arena trip last weekend. I wish I knew how to add music to this blog. My band Hazy wrote a song about Pt. Arena several years ago that I wish I could add.
We went up there to visit friends and watch the 4th of July fireworks. The city of PA has a big celebration on the weekend closest to the 4th. It was more fun than I can ever possibly write about. We all camped out on our friends lawn (Thanks again P and L!). Spent an afternoon at the river. Danced along to live bands. Watched the fireworks. Ate, laughed and drank a lot. It was great. All for three days! The next day after we got home I started my new job at my new park!
Come and visit me!
First picture is my dog Mills down at the river. Kimm and I like to write messages on her at parties.
#2 pic. is me on our friend B.'s property in PA with some early morning libations. I'll add here that B.'s property is about the most magical place I've been too in a long time!
#3 is most of us in front of B.'s dome--which he built--kickin ass B!
#4 is me and doggies in front of Sea Ranch Chapel--very cool place to visit!