Wednesday, July 18, 2007


I'm in an angsty mood today because it's RAINING! I hate rain. I know it's necessary and all that but I still hate it!

In July of all times!

I'm posting a picture of this depressing childrens book which isn't real --just to show my distaste for the weather.

On another note--I went to this beautiful park yesterday. I saw two coyotes, a northern Harrier and lots of Golden Eagles! As well as many awesome rock formations. The history of this park is really interesting. Especially the part about the Bohemian club of SF who I've always been interested in since I read Armistead Maupins "Tales of the City" many years ago.

1 comment:

Cassie said...

Kaveh just pointed me to this article about Bohemian Grove

It's halfway through the article in a section entitled "We Remember Thee, Oh Sian"Love Song of the Bohemian Grove. Maybe we should crash the party?