Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

After gathering together with our friends in SF we high tailed it down to the 'Dog Patch' to see this band for our NYE celebration.
'Browntown and the Porch Honkies'.
Happily we've know and loved these kids for many years as members of other bands. But this line up is Extra special!
They started out the set with Cheech and Chongs 'Earache my Eye' then wound thru some Zepplin, Skynard, Van Halen and Areosmith just to name a few. It was a great Fucking show! They kicked our collective asses.
I played with the guitar player in another band called 'Mighty Tight' many years ago. In fact ..I was reminded.. the warehouse we were in was the same place that Mighty Tight had played years earlier where I fell into the drum set during our rendition of Skynard's 'Simple Man'. Cracking my guitar but recovering enough to tell J. the drummer to "Keep going!" Too much Wild Turkey 101.
Good Times.
Happy New Year Everyone!


Uncle Jesse said...

happy new year, kim!!
best wishes for 2007.

Cassie said...

Man, that sounds so awesome! I'm so sad to have missed it. Happy New Year!!

JT said...

Wow! That sounds great. I would have loved , too.

Much better than my New Year's weekend, in which I was fired!