Monday, March 27, 2006


There was this band from San Francisco in the mid-late 90's called Stonefox. They could not be touched. 4 girls on guitar and mics and 1 guy on the drums. Hard - Driving - Sweating - Sex Rock Punk Metal. They were just so good. Sooo Good.
I'm listening to this C.D. I got from my dear friend Tedd's collection. I am the biggest Stonefox fan and I didn't know about this! "Really Burnt" on Man's Ruin. It's their first album "Burnt", with several live cuts. Show's I know that I was at because I was a junkie. I saw them all. I stalked one of the guitarists after I saw her get off the bus one day in my neighborhood. She lived right next door to Mission Delores. The balcony of her studio looked out onto the graveyard of the Mission. I spent many days walking my doberman Isabelle underneith that balcony.
Good Times--Good Times..
Thank God for this band!
I also got a well worn Stonefox t-shirt from Tedd's t-shirt collection. I'm not sure I should ever wear it.

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