Friday, March 24, 2006

Tedd ruins our lives lately

Listening to KUSF
It's been a long time since I wrote anything. Our good friend Tedd committed suicide in Febuary and I didn't feel much like writing after that. This is a picture of Tedd in better times. He was one of a kind. No one knew he was in any kind of emotional pain. But like my mom said, "Sometimes you can't know what's in peoples heads". Pretty simple but true.
We played music together in a band called Yusakuta that was together from '97 to '01. He played bass and I played guitar. We played lots of shows and had so much fun. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be playing in the band I am today. I wouldn't know the SF friends that I still have. I wouldn't have all the great memories that I have. He used to be counted on to come to all our shows. Now he won't be there. In ten years I wonder if I will feel even worse than I do now. It's hard to explain that.
I'm going to his place next Sunday to help his boyfriend and best friend among others to clean out his stuff.
I really miss that guy.

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