Friday, February 23, 2007


I bruised by shin. No really I damaged it--BUT GOOD!
I was painting a room for a client. In the process of pushing a small scaffolding on wheels across a canvas, the wheels got bunched up in the canvas and the scaffolding came to a grinding halt. My legs did not and I plowed shin long into it's sharp metal step.
The pain was surreal. I grabbed an ice pack out of the lunch box and fell on their couch with my leg up on the arm. All I could do was moan in agony. I couldn't even cry. I couldn't even CATCH MY BREATH--it hurt so bad.
This was a week ago. I am STILL limping. It STILL hurts like HELL!
I don't care how many of you guys have been kicked in the balls or how many of you fine ladies have given birth--
NOTHING is worse then cracking your shin at 90 miles an hour.
I can't even guess when this golf ball size lump on my leg will go down.
And of course I keep hitting it on everything.
Is this some kind of curse?


Anonymous said...

sorry about your leg, kim!
i really like your last two blog titles, though..
it's really batman-esque.

Cassie said...

Hmm, maybe you broke it? I broke my middle finger about 4 weeks ago and I'm always banging it on stuff, or Kaveh lays on it, or one of my students tries to pry off my splint thinking it's a sticker or something. You never realize how much you need your body until something goes wrong with it!
When I visit, I kiss it and make it all better!

JT said...

OUCH! Kim, your description makes me wince. I hope you're feeling better now.