Friday, November 16, 2007


I'd love to do a cover of this song--'We're Desperate'! It's always been one of my favorites.

As is X..

I LOVE LOVE the pic of Jello Biafra on the ground underneith the mosh pit-- scared for his fuckin' life!

And the pic of the girl near the end of the song with blood all over her face!


Uncle Jesse said...

what a cool montage! there's a lot of photo books out, finally, about the LA punk scene. a really cool one about the Masque, and an Ed colver book is out. and that one called "we're desperate" is my favorite i think. i really like that transitional early punk look, where there's a bunch of people in the crowds that still have the 70's feathered haircut.
"wild gift" is still my favorite x record.

Julie Turley, Kingsborough Librarian said...

how funny--I just showed "X-The Unheard Music" to A, who had never seen it. I think they must be one of the sexiest bands ever.