Friday, August 01, 2008

Dealing With It

I didn't mention a couple of weeks back about Kimm's employee being mugged at a house they were working at in our neighborhood. Two guys with a gun. Luckily he wasn't hurt and only lost his Stanley knife and wallet with a small amount of money in it.

The two guys who robbed him ran when they saw Kimm walk up our neighbors driveway to see what was going on.

Then yesterday morning another neighbor and very good friend was robbed, beaten and assaulted after her husband left for work. Two guys with a gun and hammer. I'm not going to give brutal details but I woke up yesterday to cop cars and lots of questions of did we see anything. We hadn't. We didn't hear a thing. And our dogs and the dog in the house on the other side of them didn't hear anything so they didn't bark. It's funny how such violent acts can be so quiet. She's lucky she even lived through it.
Hours later after all the cops had left, my neighbors came home from the hospital to their wrecked home. Every piece of broken glass and wood, bent frames of lamps, clothes scattered everywhere, book shelves tipped over and of course lots of blood. Everything left the way it was when they finished taking what they wanted, beating her and running out leaving the door open. It's hard to think of living through that and then having to come home from the hospital to see it. It's something I never thought about.
Anyway, I went over soon after they arrived and helped clean up. It was honestly the hardest thing I've ever done. But I kept remembering something my friend Colleen used to say many years ago--'Deal with it'.
I knew as scared as I was to see and deal with the aftermath it didn't compare to how bad she was feeling, or her husband. I cleaned up the worst of it. He helped.
Soon after we finished cleaning, Kimm came home from her dentist appointment and did a dump run to get rid of their bed and all the collected trash. Later on she would install new locks on their front door while I made them lasagna.
I like to think of myself as a good liberal/anarchist. But when something like this happens it just strengthens my belief in a death penalty. I know that's a bad word amongst most of my fellow left thinkers. But since I was a young kid and another friend of mine was raped and murdered along with her mother I've had strong feelings about what should happen to people who have no regard for life. Sometimes I teeter. Maybe forgiveness is the greatest gift. I do believe that's true but I also think victims have the right to NOT forgive. Someone who's willingly and with a smile scared your life in a way you'll never recover from. Why should those people be allowed to keep breathing.
I don't know.
Right now I'm feeling pretty strongly in favor.
A detective just left their home. And we heard that the police found her computer and bag. They've just left in her mothers rental car. Hopefully they're driving to the police station to identify a suspect.

I also want to point out that our neighborhood is not a bad place. (although Jan I know you disagree). We live in a high density urban area. The economy the way it is doesn't help. I know shit can happen anywhere. (Two little girls shot and killed on that country road in Idaho).
Desperation makes people do all kinds of things. Like mugging someone.
And then there's just plain evil. Like what happened next door.


Uncle Jesse said...

oh, man, i'm sorry that happened to your neighbor. that's great that you helped out like that. i barely know my neighbors, sadly. even though i've lived in the same place for years.
i'm all for the death penalty, now that i know how much damage and heartbreak one evil bastard can cause to a family and extended community.

Cassie said...

Oh no, that's horrible! You're lucky you have such a close-knit neighborhood and can look out for each other. Sadly, with the economy the way it is, crime is getting worse, everywhere.
I'm thinking good thoughts for you and your neighbor - I hope she's doing okay.
Love you, C

Jan VanStavern said...

Oh Honey (and Honey): I am SO sorry! And your neighborhood is my old neighborhood, and it is more raw and easily broken--not bad, just, f*&#cking risky. Sorry the desperate weirdness of one sick creep (two, two) has disrupted so many people's sense of safety.

Good and loving of you and Kimm, and, you make wonderful lasagna. And, why don't you come visit us so we can start trying to lure you to Portland? Not for safety, for the COFFEE. Come on-- I'm buyin' . . .

We send our love. J and J and Z

JT said...

Kim, i've read this post now several times and i can't even imagine being that close to what happened. your neighbors are lucky to have friends like you. has there been any updated info?