Tuesday, August 01, 2006

10th Anniversary Party

Here's our beautiful neighbor dancing the 'candle dance' at our 10th anniversary party last Sunday. Too bad we didn't get our friends naked son in this shot. He was standing on top of the hot tub dancing along with her.
From what I could tell it was fun for all. It was for Kimm and I anyway. Lots of drinking and delicious food courtsey of Janel our good friend who quickly grabbed the bbq utensils away from me and took over cooking. Jenel I thank you endlessly!
About 40 people in total. Including my Mom Claudette and her husband Dave. Our good friend Mark and his hot boyfriend Paul from the Sierra foothills, My cousin Meg who left for Africa the day after the party. Our SF friends, Our East Bay friends, neighbor friends...Good Times..Good Times. This anniversary party was long over due.
We worked feverishly up to the last minute before the party fixing doors, landscaping, shoving things in closets. Then yesterday we crashed like zombies when everyone left. After planning this party for the last couple of months, now that it's over I feel like someone's moved out.

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