Sunday, August 06, 2006

Animal Collecting

Here's my kitty Yuki. As you can see she has two different colored eyes and she's all white. She's also all bitch. My neighbor tells me white cats are the worst. I don't know if anyone else knows this cat fact. She's been a MAD bitch from the day she crawled out from under a car to beg us to take her home. We were living in this bad neighborhood. We stayed in a horrible apt. Underneith us was an equally horrible natural gas leak coming from the rotting water heater.It was raining that night. We were walking our doberman Isabelle so she could poop. Yuki crawled out from under this car parked on the side of the road. She had a grey patch on her head from oil pan. She ran up to Isabelle my dog and said. "Hey, take me the fuck home. I love dogs." She was desperate and we could see it. She was a teenage cat. Not fully grown.
We took her home and she's been our's ever since.
Days later we found out that she had previously belonged to our crack smoking neighbors who had kept her in a bathroom for the first 8 months of her life. On the same night we found her they had decided to get rid of her. S'pose the glamour worn off. They threw her outside in the rain to fend for herself. I guess that seemed reasonable to them in their cracked out state to throw a kitten out into a storm who had only known cold dirty tile her whole short life.
I really hate people most of the time.
Just today I went to buy dog food and saw rows upon rows of sweet kitties up for adoption. I wanted to take all of them. Even if they turned out to be mean and sadistic like my cat.
I can't look at animals up for adoption. It's too upsetting.
I could go on and on about this but I'll stop now.
My proof that I am NOT an animal collector.

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