Sunday, December 03, 2006


Here we are at my Uncle's place outside of Mt. Shasta (See it looming in the background).
This was our Thanksgiving picture with the family--except for that little girl in the front wearing the pink shirt--I don't know who she is but she jumped right in. This year we had our Thanksgiving celebration and then two days later on Saturday we had our X-mas celebration... Thanksmas.
My mom and her husband are going to New Jersey for X-mas this year so we had our gift giving/Tree/Dinner thing early this year.
It's actually kind of nice because now Kimm and I feel freed up for the rest of the holiday season.
More time for parties and we already have our presents!


Uncle Jesse said...

which one's your mom?
oh, to be freed up for the holidays. i would love that. not going to happen this year, but someday i'd like to just hang out at a bar all day for thanksgiving or xmas.

kim said...

My mom is two people to the left of the guy in the middle wearing the hat.

tina said...

I love the way all the dogs are still sort of snuffling around - so hard to get them to sit and smile for a portrait! We are flying to Utah this year ... I'm already freezing, just thinking about it!