Tuesday, December 02, 2008


I just finished watching a three part documentary called 'Andy Warhols Factory People'. It had all sorts of interviews with former superstars. Billy Name, Taylor Mead, Mary Woronov, Gerard Mangala, Ultra Violet etc...

It was great to see how everyone has aged.

Here's three gals who were not interviewed for various reasons. Doesn't Candy Darling look a little bit like Kurt Cobain in this video?


JT said...

taylor mead lives a block away from me! ultra violet became a mormon--isn't that crazy?

is that sexy joe dellasandro in there? must watch.

kim said...

I saw some of Taylor Mead reading his poetry. Pretty good shit! How cool that he lives a block away!
I can't believe that UV is a Mormon....Unfuckingbelievable.
Joe Dallesandro--not in the doc that I saw. Just in my dreams! I love that man forever!