Sunday, January 04, 2009

I Be Lovin John Stewart

I had to Unfriend someone from my FB friend list. I guess they don't inform the person who's been unfriended. I kind of wish they would--and then I'm kind of glad they don't (I'm so non-confrontational).
She was an old friend of mine from my BYU days. A local girl who was a friend of a friend actually.
When I read her profile I saw that she was in a group that supported the 'Defend marriage, Prop 8" bullshit. I thought about it for ..not so long and decided to cut her loose.
I used to be so uncaring about what people thought. Live and let live. But maybe in my old age I'm beginning to form some opinions. Anyway, I don't feel too bad about it.
Fucking Christians and their transparent bigotry.
Here's a video I LOVE! If any of you missed this Daily Show you should watch it. John Stewart is too brilliant!


Anonymous said...

i saw this and loved it, too. jon stewart is such an important voice in the media--and has a lot of influence.

(did this person know that you and kimm are married?)

Narasu said...

Good video! Good post! And props to you for actively managing your Facebook friends. (I have to do that too.) Btw, I've subscribed to your blog via RSS I like it so much.