Thursday, September 28, 2006

The last night of my 30's

It's here. I've barely had time to begin processing it. I'll be 40 tomorrow.
When I was young like I was in this picture... I used to think that if you made it to your 40's you had lived most of your life. If you suddenly got terminally ill, it was o.k...YOU WERE
40 for god's sake!!! You were old. Washed up. Old enough to be sick and DIE.
I'm on the eve and I can't believe it. I only ever pictured myself living until I was 33. Nothing after that.
I'm dreading tomorrow...
This picture by the way is from Left...Julie T., Jesse W., Kris B., Me and Mike S. On the day of Jesse W's graduation from the San Francisco Art Instutite circa 1988...I was 21..


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Kim, It's really ok. In fact, I sort of like it. You are every much the babe now, if not more so, than you were at 22. PS. I'll always remember Mike S. for drawing a picture of a toilet with the name "Kelly" and an arrow pointing to it. I often think of that.

Uncle Jesse said...

congratulations, kim! now you can enjoy the long downward slide towards decrepitude with the rest of us..
naw, you only truly age when you give up the ghost. and you sure haven't!
happy birthday, beautiful girl!

tina said...

Did nobody tell you that 40 is the new 25? It's true! And things only get better from here. Happy birthday, and may the next 40 years be even more fabulous than the last! (P.S. What a treat to see you guys all grooving down that street on a sunny San Francisco day -- I love Kris's dress. I would totally wear that!)

kim said...

Isn't that a great dress? Kris always found the right thing to wear for all her occasions.

Cassie said...

Happy birthday, Slim! I'm so sad to miss it, but I'll be with you in drunkness tomorrow! You are certainly NOT washed up - you're just hitting your prime, baby! I love you lots, Cass

JT said...

Jeez Louise, could I have taken that damn brownie out of my mouth for one minute!?! I have a feeling I smuggled several out of the post-grad reception. How embarassing. You Kim, look great, as does everyone else, esp Jesse.

Happy Birthday! You're as hot as Joan Jett. (Boy, doesn't she look HOT these days?)