Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Fathers Day

This picture of me was taken by my little sister Keri when I was about 10/11. It's always been my favorite picture of myself. I'm not really sure why.

Maybe it's because it was the pivotal point in my life when I started to realize that I was really 'different' from the other girls.

But it's probably because I was wearing my two favorite pieces of clothing. My yellow ziggy t-shirt and a knitted blue and yellow vest that my sister-in-law Karen made for me.

I also remember that when this picture was taken it was a Sunday. We were in our front yard. And we were riding bikes. It was back when we could ride bikes on Sunday. Back then Mormons were even allowed to buy ice cream after Sunday school.

All that changed not long after this picture was taken. I'm not sure why.

Maybe it was because President Kimball (LDS President during the 70's) said so. But it's probably because my dad became Stake President (regional church manager) and we had to appear more holy.

But even tho' my Dad became Stake President and it ruined all of our Sunday fun, he was still the best Dad ever!

Happy Fathers day to all the deserving Dad's out and up there!


Jan VanStavern said...

This is a great picture and story. And, the mysteries of LDS--any time you want to write more about that, I am fascinated and usually so sad for you and other kids--

Anonymous said...

You never told me your dad was STAKE PRESIDENT!!! I didn't realize how powerful and popular your family was in the ward. Figures you turned out to be queer. Oh well.