Tuesday, June 05, 2007


June has a lot of good memories for me. And many sad ones...But lets just focus on the happy ones for now!

This song, Salad Days by Minor Threat, evokes some great memories for me. I couldn't find a video of Minor Threat doing the song. You can listen to the song and ignore the video...or watch it and fill it in with your own internal vision of friends you don't see too often anymore.

Anyway it's an awesome song.


bopper pye said...

so, i was a late bloomer with cool music (and sex with people who i didn't know that well yet) and first heard minor threat and fugazi in about 1990. i was so excited i just had to down bottles of boone's farm and cheap whiskey and jaegermeister and blast music on my crazy alcoholic friend's 17000 stereo he bought with the insurance settlement from a truck accident 6 of us were in and scream along the lyrics to sedate myself. i need to get in touch with some folks from those days, although a few of them are still in my life.

is there some way for old folks like us to still experience that music thrill?


JT said...

okay, I'm an even older folk. I love this song, which I have on a now 25-year-old piece of vinyl. Jeez, I saw Minor Threat in 1983 in SLC. I drove up there with some kids from the BYU dorm--we convened in the cafeteria. Mormon punk rockers loved Ian and Minor Threat--that straight-edged, no drugs/no sex/"at least I can fucking think" thing. Listening to Minor Threat made Mormon punks feel validated and at last!--cool!

Thanks for jarring that memory!